Bu Oqshom Misr seriali Barcha qismlar O'zbek tilida 2017 Uzbekcha tarjima

Har bir insonning uchta hayoti bor: jamoat hayoti, shaxsiy hayot va yashirin hayot "." Kechqurun kechqurun "- bu bir nechta hayotni boshdan kechirayotgan qahramonlarni ta'qib qiladigan ijtimoiy dramalar. - Jamiyat tomonidan ma'qullanadigan va olqishlanadigan jamoat hayoti. , yopiq eshiklar ortidagi shaxsiy hayot va ularning eng qorong'u sirlarini yuzaga keltiradigan yashirin hayot ... har qanday vaqtda ochilishi mumkin bo'lgan sirlar. Seriya turli shaxslarning shaxsiy hayotlarini, ularning qiziqishlari, xavotirlari, qo'rquvlari va ambitsiyalarini aks ettiradi. Har bir epizod tomoshabinlarni har bir personajning yashirin hayotiga olib boruvchi yangi shlyuzlarni kashf etishiga yo'l ochib beradi, natijada qisqarishni hal qiladigan va haqiqatlarni ochib beradigan aniq ma'lumotlarga bemalol intiladi. shaxsiy hayotga tajovuz qilish, texnologik yutuqlarni suiiste'mol qilish va turli xil qatlamlarning tahlikasi bilan bog'liq bo'lgan jamoat tashvishlariga tegish. .
Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life". "Later Tonight" is a social drama series that follows juxtaposing characters who live more than one life. - a public life that is accepted and applauded by society, a private life behind closed doors and a secret life that emerges their deepest darkest secrets...secrets that may be exposed at any point. The series magnifies the personal lives of the different personas highlighting their interests, concerns, fears and ambitions in a dazzling explicit style by simply following the daily events they encounter. Each episode will guide the viewers to explore new gateways leading to the secret lives of each character, leaving them hanging and craving for tangible information that will eventually resolve contractions and uncover truths. The series taps on the public concern related to the invasion of individual privacy , a threat that is caused by the abuse of technological advancements and how different layers of ...

Video: Bu Oqshom Misr seriali Barcha qismlar O'zbek tilida 2017 Uzbekcha tarjima

Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life". "Later Tonight" is a social drama series that follows juxtaposing characters who live more than one life. - a public life that is accepted and applauded by society, a private life behind closed doors and a secret life that emerges their deepest darkest secrets...secrets that may be exposed at any point. The series magnifies the personal lives of the different personas highlighting their interests, concerns, fears and ambitions in a dazzling explicit style by simply following the daily events they encounter. Each episode will guide the viewers to explore new gateways leading to the secret lives of each character, leaving them hanging and craving for tangible information that will eventually resolve contractions and uncover truths. The series taps on the public concern related to the invasion of individual privacy , a threat that is caused by the abuse of technological advancements and how different layers of ..." /> Bu Oqshom Misr seriali Barcha qismlar O'zbek tilida 2017 Uzbekcha tarjima

Bu Oqshom Misr seriali Barcha qismlar O'zbek tilida 2017 Uzbekcha tarjima


Film haqida qisqacha:

Har bir insonning uchta hayoti bor: jamoat hayoti, shaxsiy hayot va yashirin hayot "." Kechqurun kechqurun "- bu bir nechta hayotni boshdan kechirayotgan qahramonlarni ta'qib qiladigan ijtimoiy dramalar. - Jamiyat tomonidan ma'qullanadigan va olqishlanadigan jamoat hayoti. , yopiq eshiklar ortidagi shaxsiy hayot va ularning eng qorong'u sirlarini yuzaga keltiradigan yashirin hayot ... har qanday vaqtda ochilishi mumkin bo'lgan sirlar. Seriya turli shaxslarning shaxsiy hayotlarini, ularning qiziqishlari, xavotirlari, qo'rquvlari va ambitsiyalarini aks ettiradi. Har bir epizod tomoshabinlarni har bir personajning yashirin hayotiga olib boruvchi yangi shlyuzlarni kashf etishiga yo'l ochib beradi, natijada qisqarishni hal qiladigan va haqiqatlarni ochib beradigan aniq ma'lumotlarga bemalol intiladi. shaxsiy hayotga tajovuz qilish, texnologik yutuqlarni suiiste'mol qilish va turli xil qatlamlarning tahlikasi bilan bog'liq bo'lgan jamoat tashvishlariga tegish. .
Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life". "Later Tonight" is a social drama series that follows juxtaposing characters who live more than one life. - a public life that is accepted and applauded by society, a private life behind closed doors and a secret life that emerges their deepest darkest secrets...secrets that may be exposed at any point. The series magnifies the personal lives of the different personas highlighting their interests, concerns, fears and ambitions in a dazzling explicit style by simply following the daily events they encounter. Each episode will guide the viewers to explore new gateways leading to the secret lives of each character, leaving them hanging and craving for tangible information that will eventually resolve contractions and uncover truths. The series taps on the public concern related to the invasion of individual privacy , a threat that is caused by the abuse of technological advancements and how different layers of ...

Жанры: Drama
Режиссер: Жерар Кравчик
Год 2017
Страна Egypt
Продолжительность xxxx
Bu Oqshom Misr seriali Barcha qismlar O'zbek tilida 2017 Uzbekcha tarjima
720p 1-25-qismlar
AsilMedia 0.8 (гол. 16)
Кинопоиск 7.3 (гол. 2613)
IMDB 7.9 (гол. 4557)
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