Dishonored- Death of the Outsider Tas-IX

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider – это спин-офф известной и популярной стим-панк игры - Dishonored. Действие происходит в том же вымышленном мире, что события первой и второй части. Героями игры являются наемные убийцы Дауд и Билли Лёрк, ранее появлявшиеся в дополнениях к Dishonored; чернокожая преступница Билли появлялась и в Dishonored 2, но играла в ней второстепенную роль. Билли вновь посещает южный город Карнаку, чтобы убить Чужого — богоподобное существо, которого считает ответственным за худшие моменты в истории империи.
[spoiler+Update 2 (v1.144.0.17)]
Кто-то писал:
Below you can find the CHANGELOG:


- Fixed a bug where game can stay stuck on the loading screen before the main menu when plugging a screen on an integrated chipset instead of the video card.
- Fixed a bug where creating new user name with the special Russian character is giving "insufficient storage" message when starting a new game on Windows 10.
- Fixed a bug where game crashed after using poppy tincture when guard was in combat with headless clockwork then waking up guard.
- Fixed a bug where the Player is blocked in "Cinematic mode" after the activation of the contracts.
- Fixed a bug where Nvidia Ansel Mode Super Resolution Capture Type can result in off-center screenshots with duplicated items.
- Fixed a bug where FPS may drop significantly and game may stutter when opening the weapon wheel.
- Fixed a bug where a line appears under the pictures in the contracts tab of the journal with AMD GPU.
- Fixed a bug where AMD Eyefinity and nVidia Surround causes difficulty navigating to some UI elements with mouse.
- Fixed a bug where framerate sometimes drops heavily during a short time when switching equipment especially while moving.
- Fixed a bug where sword pops during parry.
- Fixed a bug where cooldown and regen Fast settings are too close to normal settings.
- Fixed a crash upon player death/electrocution when choking out and dragging an NPC onto a safeguard floor
- Fixed a bug where required amount of whalebone is overlapped by 'Start Crafting' button
- Fixed a bug where player can't see the safe key on the book if the book is marked by foresight
- Fixed a bug where Black Bone Charm "Familiar scent" does not work when using semblance
- Fixed a bug where NPCs hooked by a mine after throwing them can die and count as a kill in the stats after inspecting the eye
- Fixed a bug where Eyeless NPC in the Spector Club are not alerted when the player is carrying the Brother's body but bartender is
- Fixed a bug where Player may get stuck in midnight if they stop the audio graph player while climbing/mantling
- Fixed a bug when using a charged hagpearl shot to shoot at a clockwork soldiers ceramic armor causes the hagpearl to disappear.
- Fixed a bug where Adrenaline built up by "Bloodthirsty" bone charm can wear off while player holds Blink or uses the Eye
- Fixed a bug where "Snap Reaction" bone charm cooldown timer can recharge while player holds Blink or uses the Eye
- Fixed a bug where grenades that are picked up and then thrown at NPCs will go through them
- Fixed a bug where Clockwork Sentinels count as kills in the Stats screen, contrary to Dishonored 2 where Clockwork Soldiers did not
- Fixed a bug where using a flammable bottle on the white hound after using an ether bottle will not burn the hounds body
- Fixed a bug where hyperbaric grenades are added to inventory upon pickup
- Fixed a bug where burning the missing brother from the eyeless bar in the incinerator before the player accepts the contract, causes them not fail the contract.
- Fixed a bug where the player re-loads a save made while holding blink, void energy/mana will not recharge until blink is used
- Fixed a bug where guard does not move or attack until the end of a specific ed event
- Fixed a bug where player will automatically sprint while moving, after they stop running from coming out of a slide animation.
- Fixed a bug where the contract "Death to the Mime" fails if the player throws the Mime off without KO-ing him
- Fixed a bug where Headless clockwork soldiers do not react properly when stuck by void strike or if the environment has been struck around it instead.
- Fixed a bug where Black Eyeless NPC have wrong eyebrow texture
- Fixed a bug where animation with Rosewyn while mimicked as Cardoza will break if bodies are laying around
- Fixed an audio bug where position and orientation were wrong in keyhole peeking
- Fixed a bug where 3 witches in the conservatory have eyeless tattoo even though they don't seem to be part of the gang
- Fixed a bug where keyhole Peek prompt produces inconsistent muffling of sound for the player
- Fixed a bug where cooldown and regeneration Fast settings are too close to normal settings[/spoiler]
[spoiler+ Особенности Игры]
    Убить Чужого будет непросто. Вам предстоит проникнуть в подпольные бойцовские клубы и секты чернокнижников, раскрыть забытые тайны Карнаки и совершить дерзкое ограбление банка, чтобы добыть сведения и древние артефакты, которые позволят вам взяться за авантюру всей вашей жизни.
    Вы сможете сеять хаос еще более изобретательно, проходя игру заново со способностями из Dishonored 2 в режиме «Оригинальная игра плюс» (ОИ+).
    Охотясь на Чужого, вы столкнетесь с новыми врагами. Бессмертные Провидцы, безжалостные сестры из ордена Оракулов и усовершенствованные часовые солдаты заставят вас пустить в ход весь ваш смертоносный арсенал. Всё еще слишком просто? Повысьте ставки, выполняя контракты на поиск и ликвидацию дополнительных целей во время задания.

[spoiler+Особенности RePack]
  • Установи и играй!
  • За основу взята лицензия Steam (ID: 614570)
  • Версия игры: v1.144.0.17
  • EN/RU Инсталлер
  • Запуск игры с рабочего стола
  • Смена языка в меню игры
  • Качество аудио 100%
  • Качество видео 100%
  • Вшит Update 2 Dishonored_Death_of_the_Outsider_Update_2-CS от Christsnatcher (cs_rin)
  • Вшит crack Dishonored.Death.of.The.Outsider.Update.2.Crack.Only от Voksi (cs_rin)
  • /* tested on WIN 8.1 Pro x64 */ - Worked!

Video: Dishonored- Death of the Outsider Tas-IX

- Fixed a bug where game crashed after using poppy tincture when guard was in combat with headless clockwork then waking up guard.
- Fixed a bug where the Player is blocked in "Cinematic mode" after the activation of the contracts.
- Fixed a bug where Nvidia Ansel Mode Super Resolution Capture Type can result in off-center screenshots with duplicated items.
- Fixed a bug where FPS may drop significantly and game may stutter when opening the weapon wheel.
- Fixed a bug where a line appears under the pictures in the contracts tab of the journal with AMD GPU.
- Fixed a bug where AMD Eyefinity and nVidia Surround causes difficulty navigating to some UI elements with mouse.
- Fixed a bug where framerate sometimes drops heavily during a short time when switching equipment especially while moving.
- Fixed a bug where sword pops during parry.
- Fixed a bug where cooldown and regen Fast settings are too close to normal settings.
- Fixed a crash upon player death/electrocution when choking out and dragging an NPC onto a safeguard floor
- Fixed a bug where required amount of whalebone is overlapped by 'Start Crafting' button
- Fixed a bug where player can't see the safe key on the book if the book is marked by foresight
- Fixed a bug where Black Bone Charm "Familiar scent" does not work when using semblance
- Fixed a bug where NPCs hooked by a mine after throwing them can die and count as a kill in the stats after inspecting the eye
- Fixed a bug where Eyeless NPC in the Spector Club are not alerted when the player is carrying the Brother's body but bartender is
- Fixed a bug where Player may get stuck in midnight if they stop the audio graph player while climbing/mantling
- Fixed a bug when using a charged hagpearl shot to shoot at a clockwork soldiers ceramic armor causes the hagpearl to disappear.
- Fixed a bug where Adrenaline built up by "Bloodthirsty" bone charm can wear off while player holds Blink or uses the Eye
- Fixed a bug where "Snap Reaction" bone charm cooldown timer can recharge while player holds Blink or uses the Eye
- Fixed a bug where grenades that are picked up and then thrown at NPCs will go through them
- Fixed a bug where Clockwork Sentinels count as kills in the Stats screen, contrary to Dishonored 2 where Clockwork Soldiers did not
- Fixed a bug where using a flammable bottle on the white hound after using an ether bottle will not burn the hounds body
- Fixed a bug where hyperbaric grenades are added to inventory upon pickup
- Fixed a bug where burning the missing brother from the eyeless bar in the incinerator before the player accepts the contract, causes them not fail the contract.
- Fixed a bug where the player re-loads a save made while holding blink, void energy/mana will not recharge until blink is used
- Fixed a bug where guard does not move or attack until the end of a specific ed event
- Fixed a bug where player will automatically sprint while moving, after they stop running from coming out of a slide animation.
- Fixed a bug where the contract "Death to the Mime" fails if the player throws the Mime off without KO-ing him
- Fixed a bug where Headless clockwork soldiers do not react properly when stuck by void strike or if the environment has been struck around it instead.
- Fixed a bug where Black Eyeless NPC have wrong eyebrow texture
- Fixed a bug where animation with Rosewyn while mimicked as Cardoza will break if bodies are laying around
- Fixed an audio bug where position and orientation were wrong in keyhole peeking
- Fixed a bug where 3 witches in the conservatory have eyeless tattoo even though they don't seem to be part of the gang
- Fixed a bug where keyhole Peek prompt produces inconsistent muffling of sound for the player
- Fixed a bug where cooldown and regeneration Fast settings are too close to normal settings[/spoiler]
[spoiler+ Особенности Игры]
    Убить Чужого будет непросто. Вам предстоит проникнуть в подпольные бойцовские клубы и секты чернокнижников, раскрыть забытые тайны Карнаки и совершить дерзкое ограбление банка, чтобы добыть сведения и древние артефакты, которые позволят вам взяться за авантюру всей вашей жизни.
    Вы сможете сеять хаос еще более изобретательно, проходя игру заново со способностями из Dishonored 2 в режиме «Оригинальная игра плюс» (ОИ+).
    Охотясь на Чужого, вы столкнетесь с новыми врагами. Бессмертные Провидцы, безжалостные сестры из ордена Оракулов и усовершенствованные часовые солдаты заставят вас пустить в ход весь ваш смертоносный арсенал. Всё еще слишком просто? Повысьте ставки, выполняя контракты на поиск и ликвидацию дополнительных целей во время задания.

[spoiler+Особенности RePack]
  • Установи и играй!
  • За основу взята лицензия Steam (ID: 614570)
  • Версия игры: v1.144.0.17
  • EN/RU Инсталлер
  • Запуск игры с рабочего стола
  • Смена языка в меню игры
  • Качество аудио 100%
  • Качество видео 100%
  • Вшит Update 2 Dishonored_Death_of_the_Outsider_Update_2-CS от Christsnatcher (cs_rin)
  • Вшит crack Dishonored.Death.of.The.Outsider.Update.2.Crack.Only от Voksi (cs_rin)
  • /* tested on WIN 8.1 Pro x64 */ - Worked!
[/spoiler]" /> Dishonored- Death of the Outsider Tas-IX

Dishonored- Death of the Outsider Tas-IX


Film haqida qisqacha:

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider – это спин-офф известной и популярной стим-панк игры - Dishonored. Действие происходит в том же вымышленном мире, что события первой и второй части. Героями игры являются наемные убийцы Дауд и Билли Лёрк, ранее появлявшиеся в дополнениях к Dishonored; чернокожая преступница Билли появлялась и в Dishonored 2, но играла в ней второстепенную роль. Билли вновь посещает южный город Карнаку, чтобы убить Чужого — богоподобное существо, которого считает ответственным за худшие моменты в истории империи.
[spoiler+Update 2 (v1.144.0.17)]
Кто-то писал:
Below you can find the CHANGELOG:


- Fixed a bug where game can stay stuck on the loading screen before the main menu when plugging a screen on an integrated chipset instead of the video card.
- Fixed a bug where creating new user name with the special Russian character is giving "insufficient storage" message when starting a new game on Windows 10.
- Fixed a bug where game crashed after using poppy tincture when guard was in combat with headless clockwork then waking up guard.
- Fixed a bug where the Player is blocked in "Cinematic mode" after the activation of the contracts.
- Fixed a bug where Nvidia Ansel Mode Super Resolution Capture Type can result in off-center screenshots with duplicated items.
- Fixed a bug where FPS may drop significantly and game may stutter when opening the weapon wheel.
- Fixed a bug where a line appears under the pictures in the contracts tab of the journal with AMD GPU.
- Fixed a bug where AMD Eyefinity and nVidia Surround causes difficulty navigating to some UI elements with mouse.
- Fixed a bug where framerate sometimes drops heavily during a short time when switching equipment especially while moving.
- Fixed a bug where sword pops during parry.
- Fixed a bug where cooldown and regen Fast settings are too close to normal settings.
- Fixed a crash upon player death/electrocution when choking out and dragging an NPC onto a safeguard floor
- Fixed a bug where required amount of whalebone is overlapped by 'Start Crafting' button
- Fixed a bug where player can't see the safe key on the book if the book is marked by foresight
- Fixed a bug where Black Bone Charm "Familiar scent" does not work when using semblance
- Fixed a bug where NPCs hooked by a mine after throwing them can die and count as a kill in the stats after inspecting the eye
- Fixed a bug where Eyeless NPC in the Spector Club are not alerted when the player is carrying the Brother's body but bartender is
- Fixed a bug where Player may get stuck in midnight if they stop the audio graph player while climbing/mantling
- Fixed a bug when using a charged hagpearl shot to shoot at a clockwork soldiers ceramic armor causes the hagpearl to disappear.
- Fixed a bug where Adrenaline built up by "Bloodthirsty" bone charm can wear off while player holds Blink or uses the Eye
- Fixed a bug where "Snap Reaction" bone charm cooldown timer can recharge while player holds Blink or uses the Eye
- Fixed a bug where grenades that are picked up and then thrown at NPCs will go through them
- Fixed a bug where Clockwork Sentinels count as kills in the Stats screen, contrary to Dishonored 2 where Clockwork Soldiers did not
- Fixed a bug where using a flammable bottle on the white hound after using an ether bottle will not burn the hounds body
- Fixed a bug where hyperbaric grenades are added to inventory upon pickup
- Fixed a bug where burning the missing brother from the eyeless bar in the incinerator before the player accepts the contract, causes them not fail the contract.
- Fixed a bug where the player re-loads a save made while holding blink, void energy/mana will not recharge until blink is used
- Fixed a bug where guard does not move or attack until the end of a specific ed event
- Fixed a bug where player will automatically sprint while moving, after they stop running from coming out of a slide animation.
- Fixed a bug where the contract "Death to the Mime" fails if the player throws the Mime off without KO-ing him
- Fixed a bug where Headless clockwork soldiers do not react properly when stuck by void strike or if the environment has been struck around it instead.
- Fixed a bug where Black Eyeless NPC have wrong eyebrow texture
- Fixed a bug where animation with Rosewyn while mimicked as Cardoza will break if bodies are laying around
- Fixed an audio bug where position and orientation were wrong in keyhole peeking
- Fixed a bug where 3 witches in the conservatory have eyeless tattoo even though they don't seem to be part of the gang
- Fixed a bug where keyhole Peek prompt produces inconsistent muffling of sound for the player
- Fixed a bug where cooldown and regeneration Fast settings are too close to normal settings[/spoiler]
[spoiler+ Особенности Игры]

    Убить Чужого будет непросто. Вам предстоит проникнуть в подпольные бойцовские клубы и секты чернокнижников, раскрыть забытые тайны Карнаки и совершить дерзкое ограбление банка, чтобы добыть сведения и древние артефакты, которые позволят вам взяться за авантюру всей вашей жизни.
    Вы сможете сеять хаос еще более изобретательно, проходя игру заново со способностями из Dishonored 2 в режиме «Оригинальная игра плюс» (ОИ+).
    Охотясь на Чужого, вы столкнетесь с новыми врагами. Бессмертные Провидцы, безжалостные сестры из ордена Оракулов и усовершенствованные часовые солдаты заставят вас пустить в ход весь ваш смертоносный арсенал. Всё еще слишком просто? Повысьте ставки, выполняя контракты на поиск и ликвидацию дополнительных целей во время задания.

[spoiler+Особенности RePack]
  • Установи и играй!
  • За основу взята лицензия Steam (ID: 614570)
  • Версия игры: v1.144.0.17
  • EN/RU Инсталлер
  • Запуск игры с рабочего стола
  • Смена языка в меню игры
  • Качество аудио 100%
  • Качество видео 100%
  • Вшит Update 2 Dishonored_Death_of_the_Outsider_Update_2-CS от Christsnatcher (cs_rin)
  • Вшит crack Dishonored.Death.of.The.Outsider.Update.2.Crack.Only от Voksi (cs_rin)
  • /* tested on WIN 8.1 Pro x64 */ - Worked!

Год 2017
Версия: v1.144.0.17
Система: Microsoft® Windows® 7 / 8 / 10 (64 Bit)
Разработчик: Arkane Studios
Dishonored- Death of the Outsider Tas-IX
AsilMedia 0 (гол. 0)
Кинопоиск 7.3 (гол. 2613)
IMDB 7.9 (гол. 4557)
Bizni telegram orqali Kuzating. Manzil:
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