Five Feet Apart watch online in Tas-ix

The space in which they exist, cruel dictates the condition — the lovers must be no closer than a meter from each other they can't even touch. But true love knows no boundaries, and the stronger the feelings, the greater the temptation to break the rules…

Video: Five Feet Apart watch online in Tas-ix

Five Feet Apart watch online in Tas-ix

Five Feet Apart watch online in Tas-ix


Film haqida qisqacha:

The space in which they exist, cruel dictates the condition — the lovers must be no closer than a meter from each other they can't even touch. But true love knows no boundaries, and the stronger the feelings, the greater the temptation to break the rules…

Год 2019
Страна США
Продолжительность 116 мин. / 01:56
Five Feet Apart watch online in Tas-ix
AsilMedia 0.5 (гол. 26)
Кинопоиск 7.3 (гол. 2613)
IMDB 7.9 (гол. 4557)
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